Tel: 01268 755366
Serving the community for 30 years

At Castlepoint we are proud of our track record of service to the social housing sector. We understand the needs, aspirations and constraints of public sector partnership.

These works require specific skills and sensitivities as they often require working in spaces occupied by vulnerable residents. We thoroughly train all our operatives to work in occupied premises and have a clear set of protocols for this type of work.

Castlepoint Gas & Electric - Social HousingWe have been working with local authorities for over 30 years in which time we have installed over 100,000 central heating systems and new boilers. Our track record speaks for itself.

We offer:

  • Refurbishment and installation of new heating systems
  • Communal heating systems
  • Electrical
  • Mechanical and electrical installation in Code 5 new build properties
  • Resident focussed working including sheltered housing
  • Wide experience of partnering
  • Repair and maintenance



Castlepoint Gas & Electric - Social Housing, GasWe have been installing new boilers for Castle Point Borough Council for over 20 years.


Castlepoint Gas & Electric, Social HousingWe have carried out an extensive programme for Tower Hamlets Homes, replacing boilers with energy efficient units including modification to pipe work and radiators all successfully delivered to occupied homes.


Castlepoint Gas & Electric, Social HousingWe enjoyed an eleven year relationship with Homes for Islington working as partners to deliver their Decent Homes Programme to bring every council property in the borough up to decent homes standard through kitchen, bathroom and heating renewals.

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